R2 Datasheets

(Due to Neocities only allowing certain file extensions, all the LaTeX source files on this page have .txt extensions insted of the usual .tex; you may need to rename them.)

Sample datasheets:

(Absolutely none of the this should be taken as prescriptive; while we produce the first-party Datasheets to this format, we want to see what you do. They should ideally be short — we have a different format for more substantial addons which we call plugins — but even the 1-page conceit is up for grabs for you to play around with.)


All the Rainworld material is created using LaTeX (in the form of the Tectonic engine; Xetex should be compatible iirc). The Datasheet background was produced as an SVG in Inkscape and exported to PDF, which LaTeX can embed into other PDFs as scalable graphics. (It's used as, effectively, a full-page watermark.)

A skeleton LaTeX Datasheet template is here.

Rainworld R2 material uses these itch.io page style settings:

Background colour: black; background colour 2: #f7f7f7; Text colour: #222222; Link colour: #0484d1; Text font: Anadada Pro, Large; Header font: Zilla Slab.

And the itch.io page "screenshot" is this PNG (generated from this SVG):